Publisher est. 2016


Retail Opportunity

Retail Opportunity


Writing is a sharp tool in resisting urban development that does not serve a city’s citizens. It is how we air our grievances and imagine a better environment.

These poems were written during a series of workshops that focused on urban writing,
hosted by Victoria McNulty.

Top 10 Things To Do in London’s 4th Poorest Borough - Mark Coverdale
Sonnet on the Terraces - Mark Coverdale
Five Puzzle Bits on the Crossing - Mark Coverdale
An Argument in Force - Mark Coverdale
See Yous At The Pub - Natalie Jayne Clark
Salkeld Street - Joey Simons
Soaring - Joey Simons
I <3 Charlottesville A LOT - Meagan Jennett
Excommunicated - Oliver Robertson
Not My Kind of Town - Alison Brewster
Come Back Down to My Earth - Donna Matthew
The invisible here - Peter Mohan
Sighthill Surreal - Stephen Brackenridge
The Greenock Telegraph: Tuesday 23rd March Headline: Librarian Knocks Out Traffic Warden - Katharine Macfarlane

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